Social Listening: Stanley Cups
For my brand this week I chose Stanley Cups. If you don't know, Stanley Cups are a brand of large, metal water cups usually marketed to an outdoorsy audience that have been going viral in recent months among a much younger audience on social media like TikTok. However, it was revealed on January 26th that Stanley Cups use lead in their manufacturing process. This lead is in every Stanley Cup hiding just beneath the stainless steel, " but the product needs to become damaged in order to expose the lead", says Stanley Cup. This means one bad drop of this water cup could have you drinking lead, a prospect social media is none too happy about. To make things worse, Stanley Cup's value proposition is about delivering large, sturdy, environmentally friendly, and stylish cups to its customers that will last them years. Including lead in their "environmentally friendly" product is quite the scandal, and for a product who's value proposition is closely related to...